!!! She Said Yes !!!

 [Proposal Story]

[People Are Talking]
[The Big Day]

Visitors: $cnew"; fclose($fw); ?>

July 27th, 2002

Our plans are to have the entire thing at Juniata College. The ceremony will be on Founders Lawn and then we will have the reception in the Ballroom.

You can find a map, directions, and hotel info right here.

We are currently registered at the following places:

The Bridal Party...
(these are not necessarily matched up correctly)

Bridget O'Brien
David Decker
Ginger Arthur
Dan Decker
Caroline Laret
Richard Watkins
Kristan Edgar
Curt Rodgers
Tiffany Day
Matt Humphrey
Cindy Brown
Neil Rodgers
Gwen Myers
Tony DeStefano


Email Dave || Email Bridget
Last Updated: 06-Jun-2002 13:50