Math Lesson

Today’s exciting math lesson comes to us from the land of I-Forgot-How-To-Do-Standard-Deviation:

Calculating Mean: The Arithmetic Mean is obtained by summing all elements of the data set and dividing by the number of elements.

Calculating Median: The Median is the middle element when the data set is arranged in order of magnitude. If there are an odd number of data elements, the median is a member of the data set. If there are an even number of data elements, the median is computed as the arithmetic mean of the middle two.


p>Calculating Standard Deviation: The variance and standard deviation of a data set measures the spread of the data about the mean of the data set.

The variance of a sample of size n represented by s2 is given by:

s2 =
[The sum of (x – mean)2]

The standard deviation can be calculated by taking the square root of the variance.

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