
Matt, Bridget, and I were in the Ice Cream store next to Minneo’s Pizza on Saturday. I ordered a cup of Peanut Butter Fudge, Bridget got a cup of Peppermint Patty, and Matt ordered a coffee. We got our stuff and Matt prepared his coffee. After adding sugar and cream the girl behind the counter asked him, “Do you want me to top that off?” To which Matt replied, “I don’t know what that means. I’m not from around here.” Now, I’m not a linguist or even much of a judge of colloquialisms, but I don’t think “top it off” is a regional saying. Am I wrong here? Has anyone out there not heard that expression before?

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5 Responses to Cityspeak

  1. Pingback: TB: knomat

  2. jfournier says:

    Generic Reply…… If by “top that off” you mean fill the cup the rest of the way, I’ve heard it before up here, so I don’t think it’s regional…

  3. Matt says:

    ridicule left out… I’d like to have it known that this is the watered down version of the story. Dave doesn’t mention the entire weekend of ridicule I endured as a result of my ignorance. I honestly have never heard that expression before … and Dave and Bridget made no hesitation to make sure I knew what a silly comment I made. Damn Cityspeak 😉

  4. Bridget says:

    kudos to matt… I should say thank you to Matt for his good sense of humor about the incident. We did tease him a lot – and it was nice not to have Matt and Dave picking on me for once!

  5. LeaLa says:

    General Comment… I realize that I’m from the same small town as Matt, but I’ve never heard that expression either. Thanks for the tip though, if anyone ever does ask to “top off” my coffee I’ll understand what they mean!

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